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-Buffalo horns- bracelet

-Buffalo horns- bracelet





- 天然石について -

強さを象徴し、幸運を運ぶお守りになると言われています。 多産、豊穣、豊かさをあらわし、金運を高める効果と妊娠、出産のお守りとなる他、魔除けや厄除け等にも非常に強く、邪悪なものを寄せ付けないように守ってくれる効果があると言われています。

- 商品詳細 -



 シルバー (純度95%以上)


留め具・・・  シルバーマンテル



  内周 ・・・  16 cm

  *着用画像・モデルサイズ ・・・ 14.5cm

 シルバーチャーム(渦巻き)・・・Φ 10 mm


  チューブ ・・・ 19 x Φ5 mm

  ロンデル ・・・ 10 x 5 x 5 mm



Regular price $45.00
Regular price Sale price $45.00
Sale Sold out
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About size notation

Click here for information on sizing and how to measure.




About silver material

We use silver materials handcrafted by the Karen Tribe, a hill tribe in Southeast Asia.

It is a material with a purity of 95% or more and is unlikely to cause metal allergies.

The handmade warmth and fine workmanship, as well as the various ethnic patterns applied as amulets are attractive.

*Other metals may be used, please check the product page and materials.

About braided cords and core cords

We use a material called "low-biki string" purchased from Southeast Asia.

It has been used locally for a long time as a base for accessories, and is also a durable cord used for leatherwork.

The unique suppleness of cords creates an elegant and natural impression.
It is an accessory that can be worn on a daily basis and is resistant to water and sweat.

About custom orders

Please feel free to contact us if you have any requests regarding the product.

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